2025 TRAPS North Region Awards

The TRAPS North Region is pleased to recognize and honor individuals and organizations that have rendered significant services to the Society and have made outstanding contributions to the field of parks and recreation. Please be sure to read the Regional Award Nomination Checklist before you begin.

TRAPS Awards Descriptions 2024

Nomination Forms: Coming Soon

Arts & Humanities Award
Advocate of the Year
Excellence in Maintenance
Excellence in Programming
Lone Star Programming
Park Design Excellence
Park Professional of the Year
Part-Time Employee of the Year
Recreation Facility Design Excellence
Recreation Professional of the Year

Completed entry form(s), photos, and support material must be submitted electronically via the online form. Once submitted you will receive a confirmation that your submission was received. All entries must be submitted by September 15, 2024 at 11:30 PM. The links will automatically close at that time. No paper entries will be accepted. If you have any questions or issues with the forms, please feel free to email the Awards Committee Chair:  Erika Tang at etang@cityoflewisville.com


The following requirements apply to all nominations unless specifically stated otherwise on the nomination form.

  • A written narrative including award criteria listed in the individual nomination forms.
  • Letter(s) of support, if necessary. (upload file option included in forms)
  • Each member city is allowed to enter only one award submission per category. One (1) to three (3) pictures can be electronically uploaded with each submission (pictures are NOT included in the page limit).
  • Photography Awards – Each member city is allowed to enter one photo per category and must be uploaded via the electrician submission form.

Please enter each submission along with any supporting documents/pictures via the online form.

Submission deadline: TBD
*Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered.

The awards presentation will be held at the Annual TRAPS North Region Conference on Monday, November 3, at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center. The Awards Committee will strive to acknowledge each submission by notifying the email sender upon receipt of the nomination. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact the Committee Chair to ensure your submission has been received and is under consideration.